Download our Loyalty app

Scan - Pay - Reward

We have always believed that your loyalty deserves to be rewarded. We have created an app which not only rewards you with points every time you spend with us, you can view the current offers, track your receipts, see when you gained points and quickly order your food and drink online.

How it works

All you need to do is open the app whenever you come to Citrus. We will scan your QR code and the transaction will be allocated to you. Your points will be credited to your account within an hour.


Check the ‘rewards’ section to see our current offers and the points you need to claim them.


When you have enough points, before you place your order, tell us what you would like to redeem your points against and that item will be free!

Download the app

You can download our app from the AppStore or PlayStore
Once you’ve downloaded, register and follow the prompts to activate your account.